Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Creative Writing Summer Camp

This seems like a good place to post this.

I want to get the band back together (former students, creative people).

I want to meet Friday, July 15th (at 2:15pm) and talk about two things.
  1. This Write Bloody poetry contest due in August (we'll discuss the guidelines, look at a couple of examples, maybe read some of our favorite Write Bloody poems, etc.).
  2. Publishing a book together.
The goal of this first meeting is to get us writing again. Give us a tangible goal with some due dates.

Then we can meet again in August to follow up, share, etc.


  1. I've already invited a few people. But I don't have everyone's e-mail. If you're interested in being part of this, you're invited. (If you've found this on your own, you're obviously committed, and I think we want you on our team.)

    If you have a creative friend that you think should be part of this, invite them.

  2. I know I'm forgetting people.

    How about Abby Keenan and Colby Barton and Addy Baird and I know there are more. Do you know these people?

  3. I'm in DC until August, can I participate virtually until then? I want to be a part of this thing. I miss writing for fun.

    Also I'm good friends with Abby and Addy, I can pass this along to them if you want? Yeah

    1. Yes, pass this along to Abby. Addy's in New York, so she can't make it. And Colby will be in Mapleton (almost as far as NY...LOL), so he probably won't be there.

      And yes, you can still participate virtually.

  4. crossing my fingers this will happen in the morning / afternoon because i have work at five

  5. Ashton and Rachel what up.

    I don't know the time yet. Some people need it early, some need it late. I'll probably pick the worst time for everyone and go like 2pm or something.

    Stay tuned.

  6. Trying to write something new for Friday. Excited to see and hear you guys.

  7. are we just meeting at the school

    1. Yep. My classroom (room 221). Park in the North faculty. I'll have a door open.

  8. it's 1:36pm right now

    wondering if anyone's going to show up


    i've never felt so



    1. wow 20 people

      i've never been so excited

      thanks guys
